Police officers can issue traffic citations for a host of different reasons. Many people receive tickets because they exceed the posted speed limit. Police officers can pull people over for failing to maintain their vehicles, choosing not to use their turn signals,...
Traffic Tickets
3 secondary consequences of paying a Washington traffic ticket
A traffic ticket or citation is technically an accusation of breaking the law. Police officers issue tickets for violations ranging from excess speed to a failure to use turn signals in traffic. Citations carry fines that depend on the offense. Paying the citation is...
3 financial reasons to avoid pleading guilty to a DUI
People arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) offenses in Washington State are often eager to put the experience behind them. Many people try to expedite the criminal process by entering a guilty plea. They think that avoiding a lengthy trial could prevent...
What happens after a reckless driving allegation in Washington?
When police officers suspect people of committing traffic violations, they usually start by pulling them person over to talk with them. Conducting a traffic stop might lead to an officer deciding to issue someone a ticket. Anyone who sees the lights of a police...
How many tickets does it take to lose a driver’s license?
The state of Washington treats a driver's license as a privilege even though it may be a necessity for someone's daily life. Not everyone automatically gets to obtain or retain a driver's license. People have to have appropriate education and demonstrate the ability...
3 times a traffic ticket could cost someone their job
Police officers in Washington are constantly on the lookout for those who may have violated traffic laws, and they will issue citations to or arrest anyone who violates the speed limit, drives recklessly or otherwise fails to comply with Washington traffic statutes....
What a Washington speeding ticket does to insurance rates
People often respond to a traffic citation in ways that are adverse to their own interests. Instead of asserting themselves and fighting back, they simply pay the ticket, which is like pleading guilty to the traffic infraction. Although the fine attached to a citation...
Is it worth defending against a speeding ticket?
It is frustrating to know that there is a cop rushing up behind you and that you might get accused of speeding. You may not have thought you were going over the speed limit, or you might have sped up to get around a much slower vehicle and breached the speed limit...
What does a speeding ticket mean for your license in WA?
When you’re in a rush, you may not think about how fast you’re driving. You simply want to get where you’re going as quickly as you can. Unfortunately, that kind of rush can lead to problems like being pulled over for speeding. Washington is interesting because it...